In the unlikely event that you are dissatisfied with our service you can complain by writing to the following address:
Jewel Home Group Limited
Unit 4 Elliott Ind Park
Eastern Road
GU12 4TF
Telephone: 01252 931422
We want it to be easy for you to tell us when we get something wrong.
When you contact us, your details will be logged centrally and the information then sent to the right department. The appropriate person in each department will deal with the complaint.
Details logged and forwarded to the relevant department.
Manager of the Relevant Department will either deal with the matter or forward to the appropriate member of staff. We will respond to the customer where necessary within 5 days to confirm what is being done.
All complaints will be resolved within ten working days.
You may wish to appeal against the decision we have taken.
The Managing Director will take the most appropriate course of action.
If you are not satisfied with the results of our investigation into you complaint you can write to the Managing Director and request that the matter be reviewed. You need to do this within 28 calendar days of getting our response to your complaint, stating the grounds for the appeal i.e. why you feel we were wrong.