Are Sash Windows Safe?

One of the most frequently asked questions about sash windows is whether they are safe. There seems to be a common misconception that sash windows do not offer the same level of home security as other alternatives, but this simply is not true. In fact, in some ways, they offer enhanced security!


In this article, Sashes of Surrey experts cover everything you need to know about sash windows security and their safety features.

What Are Sash Windows?


Sash windows operate on a vertical sliding mechanism. They consist of two framed window sashes that move up and down rather than outwards. They feature vertical grooves that prevent damage to the windows when operating them, and sash stops that allow you to secure them while ajar to ventilate your home without the worry that they can be forced further open, granting access to your home.


Traditionally, sash windows feature glazing bars designed to hold smaller glazed panes together. However, modern designs tend to feature bars placed on top of double glazing to replicate the heritage charm. Though sash windows are usually confused with casement windows, sliding sash windows do not have hinges or open outwards. However, some modern designs can feature a tilting operation to assist in cleaning.


safe sash windows features

Modern uPVC Sash Window Features


Sash windows are a traditional window style with a vertical sliding opening system. They feature two framed window sashes with vertical grooves that allow them to move up and down without damaging the frame. What is distinctive about sash windows is that they have Georgian glazing bars that connect smaller panes of glass. In modern units, the bars are laid on top of a larger-scale double glazed pane to replicate the heritage charm.


Classic sash windows would typically be manufactured with timber, however, modern sliding sash windows are more commonly made with uPVC. Compared to wood, uPVC offers more strength and resilience, making it a safer option. Our sash windows also feature a range of security features so that you can benefit from modern home security as well as traditional heritage aesthetics.


modern sliding sash windows

Security Features of uPVC Sash Windows


Our sash windows feature all of the same advanced home security features as our other windows, including industry-leading locking mechanisms and a discreet anti-jemmy bar for additional protection. You can even add additional features that have been approved by Secured by Design, a police initiative to improve building safety standards.


What makes sash windows more secure is that, unlike other windows that have a tilting operation, they feature sash stops, which are fitted to the top of the window to securely lock them when they are closed and when they are ajar so that they cannot be forced open. This promotes better ventilation without compromising security.


Sash Windows Security & Safety Features For Children


Sash windows are a safe option for your family’s home. The sash locks have a more complex opening than the traditional handle, meaning that children are less likely to open the windows when you have locked them. Similarly, the sash stops mean that you can have the windows ajar, letting air into your child’s room, stopping them from being able to open the window more and preventing the window from shutting on their fingers.


Alternatively, you could opt for sash screws which work by locking both frames together by screwing into the top and bottom rails. This is beneficial for older children who may be able to work with more complex opening systems. Of course, these screws can be taken out later once your children are past the age of concern.


sash windows security for children

uPVC Sash Windows With Double Glazing


Our uPVC sash windows are also fitted with double glazing as standard, which offers additional security. Double glazing comprises two glazed panes that are separated by a layer of argon gas. Whilst its primary function is to retain heat within your home, it also offers a host of other benefits, including absorbing shock. Therefore, it is harder to break open.


It also strengthens the pane, eliminating weak spots. Anyone attempting to break the glass would have to penetrate two glass panes, which would take more force and more time. It would also be louder, so for a potential intruder, the risk is not worth taking.

Styles of Secure Sash Windows at Sashes of Surrey


Ultimately, we know that the safety of your home is your priority, but when you choose us, you never have to compromise aesthetics. We have a stunning selection of high quality sliding sash windows from industry leading manufacturers, Roseview, who have fabricated the UK’s most authentic timber alternative sash windows.


Our collection includes the Ultimate Rose, Heritage Rose, and the Charisma Rose so that you can find the best fit for your home. Each offers unique sash window security features and benefits to suit period properties and modern new builds alike.


secure sash window prices

Secure Sash Window Prices For Surrey Homeowners


At Sashes of Surrey, we always offer competitive prices with no hidden fees because we believe that every homeowner should have the opportunity to build their dream home.


If you are a homeowner in Surrey, you can use our free online quote builder to get a no-obligation online quote for our secure sash windows. Simply select your favourite sash window design and follow the step-by-step instructions to generate a bespoke guide price based on the requirements of your vertical sliders.


We also serve a wide range of areas in Surrey, including Ascot, Woking and more. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to discuss your project with a member of our team or if you have any further questions on our safe sash windows.

Categories: Sashes Of Surrey

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