Secondary Glazing vs Double Glazing for Sash Windows

Secondary glazing and double glazing are often thought to be the same thing, but they are, in fact, two different glazing methods used for several styles of windows. Hundreds of years ago, when sash windows first became popular, the frames only featured a single pane of glass. Single glazing has many drawbacks, including poor levels of strength, security and heat retention. Secondary glazing and double glazing are superior to a single pane of glass, but which option is best for sash windows today?

Secondary Glazing

If you are looking to improve the thermal efficiency of your existing sash windows, secondary glazing may be the best solution. Secondary glazing differs from double glazing as it does not involve the installation of a new sealed window unit. Instead, upgrading sash windows with secondary glazing simply means adding a second pane of glass to the existing window frame.

There are various ways secondary glazing can be installed. Some homeowners choose to add a second pane of glass and frame to the existing profile. This creates an additional barrier between your home and the natural elements outside. Alternatively, a sheet of Perspex can be stuck in place – this is a more budget friendly option but may not deliver the performance you were hoping for.

upvc sliding sash windows surrey

Adding secondary glazing to sliding sash windows can require a little more planning than if you were updating a standard casement window, but it is still possible. In order to maintain the sliding function, secondary glazing also needs to be installed inside a sliding frame. For optimum heat insulation and thermal performance, a small gap should be left between the existing glass and the second glazing panel.


· Improves energy efficiency

· Creates a more secure window

· Can be approved for listed buildings

· Adds an extra layer of acoustic insulation

· More cost-effective than a full window replacement


· Can be difficult to clean between the two panes of glass

· May not look as aesthetically pleasing as windows left in their original condition

· Can be challenging to install on sliding windows

Also Read:

Does A Modern Property Suit Sash Windows?

What Is The Difference Between Casement Windows and Sash Windows?


‌What is Double Glazing?

Double glazing is found in the majority of homes across the UK, and advances in technology have resulted in the development of highly energy efficient glass panes. Double glazing is built using two panes of glass fitted together in a single sealed unit. A small gap is left between the two pieces of glass, creating a pocket of air which works to insulate your home effectively. As the window is tightly sealed, the air can’t escape and will continue to offer exceptional heat retention for several years.

double glazed timber sash windows

Double glazing not only stops heat from escaping your home, it also prevents cold draughts from making their way inside. The sealed unit acts as a thermal barrier and successfully controls heat transfer, meaning your home will not become too cold in the winter or too hot throughout the summer. Double glazed sash windows offer reliable thermal performance 365 days a year and have many other benefits for properties of all ages.

Sash windows fitted with double glazing can offer excellent home security. Contemporary double glazing has been built to withstand high levels of impact and often features state-of-the-art locking systems for enhanced protection. Original sash windows were not double glazed – it didn’t exist in the Victorian era – and homeowners will need to replace authentic sash profiles if they want to experience the many benefits of modern double glazing.


· Can achieve high energy ratings

· Provides exceptional thermal efficiency throughout every season

· Strong structure

· Robust and secure

· Effectively prevents heat loss

· Modern uPVC double glazed sash windows have a traditional design and offer contemporary performance


· May require planning permission for installation in listed properties

· Can be expensive

· Can’t be installed in existing frames

· May not offer adequate sound insulation

Best Glazing for Sash Windows

So, what’s the verdict when it comes to the secondary glazing vs double glazing debate?

Well, it really depends on what results you are looking for and how much money you want to spend. Secondary glazing is a great option if you want to boost the energy efficiency of your home, but don’t want to say goodbye to the original sash windows. Adding a second pane of glass to the existing frame is a cost-effective approach to better insulation and added home security.

double glazed heritage sash windows

Double glazing is the more expensive upgrade for sash windows and will require a full window replacement. You may struggle to get planning permission for double glazing if you live in a listed property, whereas secondary glazing is likely to be approved. That said, double glazed windows offer a stronger barrier between your home and the natural elements, plus any potential intruders trying to gain entry to your property.

Contemporary double glazing is superior to secondary glazing when it comes to thermal efficiency, providing effective heat regulation whatever the weather.

If it’s extra soundproofing you are looking for, secondary glazing is the better option. As secondary glazing features two separate windows, you can leave a larger gap in between to create effective acoustic insulation.

Secondary glazing and double glazing are both excellent ways to upgrade original sash windows. If you think double glazing is the best option for your home, don’t hesitate to contact Sashes of Surrey and learn more about our premium sliding sash windows.

Upgrade Your Windows With Sashes of Surrey!

At Sashes of Surrey, we install market-leading designs in Surrey and the nearby areas. We are proud to bring homeowners energy efficiency, durable and secure sliding sash windows. Made from high grade uPVC with advanced double glazing, our sash windows offer outstanding thermal performance all year round. Choose a Sashes of Surrey installation and enjoy sash windows that offer the perfect blend of traditional style and contemporary performance.

To discuss a double glazed sash window installation with our team today, call 01276 748300 or send us a message today!

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Categories: Sashes Of Surrey